Christmas break.
Destination : As above.
Unbelievable weather.
Calf deep snow (are we crazy or what?).
Beautiful place.
Feels like in Narnia.
Stayed near the beach.
-14 degrees.
Had a great time.
Hope you'll enjoy these photos.

Just realised that there's no family photo here.
Did we forget the tripod?
Kan? but kalo spring/summer lagi best kot? sebab lagi byk tempat buleh pegi, and siangnya panjang...
went to edinburgh during winter, 2nd day stuck dalam apartment sebab heavy snow...
Wow! So cantek all these pics. Thanks Cik Dee cz sudi sharing with us.
Happy betul tgk gambo u with Qis & Rayyan...beshnyer!
sayang, i nak dtg sana dan u bwk jalan2 bole?? with M&M, tapi tahanker derang dgn cuaca sub zero nie??
nurul, thank you! glad you enjoyed them!
tina, bilakah itu? rasanya temp below zero ni will not last long... if you come around april onwards, the weather will be very nice... insyaAllah budak2 buleh adapt, pestu takyah bawak baju tebal2 sgt
but if you do wanna go to places that is cold, make sure they are well covered - baju 3/4 lapis including thermal (thermal, long sleeve shirt, sweater and winter jacket and then seluar thermal plus jeans
warm socks and shoes
hat and gloves
and you are good to go
wowzer... sorang je nak pakai gitu amik 5 minutes at least
kali 2 (kids), mak pak lagi - mau setengah jam bersiap
wah bestnyerrr
april tahun nie unlikely lah dear pasal schedule tight dan tak boleh cuti. end of the year if tadek aral, australia here we come.
likely, kalau ada jodoh dgn u dkt europe April 2012, hows that???
masih disanakah?
tu lah i heard about ostolia... rasa cam nak joiiiiinnnnn jek...
if 2012 punya cerits, i will be able to let you know by 3rd quarter this year.. insyaAllah...
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