This is a delayed entry, as I was supposed to update Qistina's journey-so-far at the Big School. She went into proper school 5 weeks before the winter break, having the luxury to experience the festive atmosphere of the then upcoming Christmas. She was involved with a Christmas play, which her Papa and myself had the chance to attend and enjoy. Of course the whole event that she took part was recorded on video - mostly for the grandparents and Wan Chu and all other relatives back in Malaysia hehehehee...
First day of school

Anyway, I almost had a heart attack when picking her up on her first day at Big School. There I was (with Rayyan) waiting for her at the gate where all the parents of the Reception students were waiting and one after another the students started coming out. But there was no Qistina. I asked her teacher #2 who then went in to look for her in the washroom. She came out with a worried face. Still, no Qistina. I can feel blood drained from my face. Where could she be?
I started to panic, my heart was already pounding so fast it literally felt like it will jump out of my chest. I decided to go into the school building, carrying Rayyan while shouting her name! It was a good 2 rounds in the school compound, now out of breath and still without Qistina, my tears started to fall. My mind was racing with so many things. What to tell her Papa? Ok, a little bit DQ here on my part but I couldn't help it..
I went back to where I was waiting for her.
Then her teacher #2 told me that she was located at the nursery adjacent to the school. Phewwwwwhhhh!!!! I was so relieved! Apparently she followed one of her new friends to the nursery a.k.a daycare - her friend's mom worked so she goes there after school and Qistina, thinking that it was a norm, went to follow the new friend!
I waited for a few minutes and there she was, with teacher #1 walking towards me. I then thanked the teachers and told Qistina to wait for me at the gate the next day onwards. Owh what an adventure...
The days after that was fairly ok. On the 2nd day she had a fall while playing, tore her tights and scraped her knees; then the week after that she had 3 'accidents' and came back with loaned uniforms.
3rd week she came home with a letter saying that she was chosen to be a 'star' on the Christmas play and that I will have to make a costume for that occasion. And then onwards she started singing all the songs she learnt for the play. 4th week was a breeze but 5th week she was quite unwell and did not attend school for 3 days..
But in all she is enjoying school. She is now able to read simple sentences from the books she brought home. The winter break was certainly a welcome holiday but she was looking forward for the spring term, which started on 6th Jan.
oh qisssss!! bikin hati aunty jugak mau tercabut keluar!
glad that everythin o.k....
i love the the last picture tue. bwediful, bwedifull mmmwahhhss!
tu la tina
i was thinking, hilang dalam kawasan sekolah?
nasib baik! i baca pon serupa sudah mau fengsan!!
alalalaaa...comelnya qis pakai uniform..i suka la combo maroon+grey..noice!
baiti, my face went really pucat! Hahahaha... bila fikir balik i was like...
yeah i like the maroon/grey combi too... another plus point masa decide nak sekolah mana dulu... boleh gitu?
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