Monday 13 December 2010

To My Dearest...


Mama is so worried that you are unwell for the past few weeks. Your coughing is on and off, and you get feverish every now and then, so often that I feel like I am not taking care of you well enough. I feel helpless, that you have to go through this. I hope it is just the season, and I pray to Allah that you will be well soon. And that your immune system will be much stronger. I miss the healthier you so much. And even now that you are sometimes feeling off colour, you just know how to make me laugh and smile.

You and I share those moments when we walk home together after sending Kakak to big school. I will always treasure that. Always. Now that you are feeling poorly, it has been days since we walked together.

Please forgive me if I sometimes lose my patience with you. I would give anything to take away your sickness. I love you with all my heart, and again my anak bungsu sayang, my do'a to Allah that you will soon feel much better.


Today your temperature went up a little. I hope that is just your anticipation for your Christmas play at school tomorrow. A little nervousness for the big day. You have a little cough, but you seem determined to shake it off. Mama still worries about you sayang, though you think you are all grown up now that you are in Big School.

Your sense of humour is getting better by the day, making me laugh with your antics. Especially now that you have learnt some new 'tricks' at school. I look forward to the time I pick you up in the afternoons when you will fill me in with the happenings between you and your friends. I love our walks, especially if it is just you and I. I will always treasure the moments we shared together.

You do drive me up the wall sometimes, but I hope you will get well soon anak sulung manja. I look forward to see you on stage, with your twirly skirt, bubbly shirt, and your star bands. As with your Adik, I would give anything to take away your sickness. My prayers to Allah for your health always. I love you so much.

With love


YUSRI said...

some one (blogger) introduce to your blog. BTW ..nice blog..Salam perkenalan from me En Tilam..

mama_QnR said...

First of all, our thanks to you for dropping by.
And of course salam perkenalan untuk En Tilam juga... :D

Fertzy said...

heart melting!

mama_QnR said...


betul kan bila jadi mak and anak2 sakit sure rasa gitu...
muahsss to you and the kids...