5 years ago today.
My life changed.
In fact, our life changed.
And we welcomed her into our life.
With much love, admiration and awe.
Everyday is a new day.
You learn things about us, and we, about you.
What a journey it has been.
Filled with laugh, joy, tears, pain, surprises, shock and most of all, love.
She is an independent individual today.
Makes us proud with all the new discoveries she learnt at school.
And now talks with an admirable accent :)

We are grateful to you Ya Allah
Ar Rahman Ar Rahim
Syukur Alhamdulillah
For blessing us with a beautiful daughter and sister to Rayyan
Nur Alin Qistina
Who turned 5 today
We pray that you grow up to be a good Muslim
Lovable, knowledgeable, respectful, kind, strong and all things good
No words could describe the love we have for you
Our prayers and hope that we will share many more smooches and big hugs and high fives
And laughters and tears
To share many more moons and suns and snow and rain together
Many happy returns
Our dearest Qistina
Buah hati Mama and Papa
Kakak to Rayyan
We would not have it any other way.
Allah selamatkan kamu
On another note to a lovely little person
Mya Hannah
Qistina's twin
Many happy returns to you sayang
You are 5!
Hope you and Qistina will get to celebrate many more birthdays together
Semoga menjadi anak yang baik insyaAllah...
Lots of hugs and kisses to you from all of us here..
1st, 3rd and 4th birthday together
(2nd birthday Qistina's mama was in confinement hehehe...)
Happy Birthday!! :D
thank you uncle pizli.....
Happy Birthday Qistina, Abg Zarif's birthday is tomorrow! :-)
Thank you aunty Eti!!!
Please send our birthday wish to Abang Zharif ya?
Hepy birthday Qistina..moga terus jd anak yg baik.. :)
Thank you aunty Zeta...
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