Then she requested for a pink birthday ribbon which said 'BIRTHDAY GIRL'. Of course she didn't want to wear what I've already bought for Adik - it's Adik's and he wants to wear that one! So to avoid bigger confrontation, I bought one for Kakak. Her choice.
Then I let her choose a birthday gift for herself in the form of books, and she picked Dora's little books. And Adik got a Thomas book. Again, if 1 person gets something, the other one must have also.
Later that evening after dinner, the celebration begins. Enjoy the photos!

Birthday girl with her chosen birthday ribbon

Open the present time!!!
Anyway, since there won't be any full swing party for Qistina this year, I gave away some party packs to her classmates the next day.
I do hope she has enjoyed her day. She did get a birthday sticker at school, and her classmates sang to her. Many happy returns again, darling...
Diaorang berdua ni mesti baik and tak gaduh2kan?
uncle pizli
owh tidak!!!
kakak akan mencari sebab untuk mengusik adik dan vice versa!
kadang2 mama jadik tarzanita
eh selalu la mama jadik tarzanita
staring and threat tidak memberi apa2 makna most of the time...
Samalah with Zaim... dia pun nak present, nak cake nak birthday song!!!! Zarif geram je sebab ada org stole his thunder, siap tanya, "Mama, in May when it's Zaim's actual birthday, do I get a birthday gift too???". Hmmm, good try Zarif!!!
Happy Birthday Qistina!!! I love that birthday ribbon, kat Msia nie tak de laaaa, I carik jugak untuk Zarif pakai the whole day yesterday, tapi tak jumpa :-(
dearest Eti
First of all, my apologies for spelling Zarif's name wrongly!!!!! YA ampun kawanku...
good try Zarif, on getting a present too on Zaim's birthday hahahahaha....
And thanks for the wish...
Turned 5 and became more DQy by the day!
masyaAllah anak bertuah...
happy belated besday to Qistina. Suka tgk dia...comey!
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