.. when you are having fun!
I can't believe that it's already been 3 years since we first lay our eyes on you. 1,095 wonderful, unforgettable, amazing, unbelievable, sweet days.. How we are blessed...

08:08, on 28.01.08
We are grateful to you Ya Allah
Ar Rahman Ar Rahim
Syukur Alhamdulillah
For bestowing upon us a beautiful son and brother to Qistina
Who turned 3 today
We pray that you grow up to be a good Muslim
Lovable, knowledgeable, respectful, kind, strong and all things good
Words can't express how much we love you
We pray and hope that you and us will have many more days and months and years together
To share many more hugs and kisses and laughter and tears
Many happy returns
dearest Rayyan
Anak manja mama and papa
Qistina's baby brother
Allah selamatkan kamu
Selamat Hari Lahir..
Semoga terus jadi anak yang memberikan kegembiraan pada keluarga..
Semoga diberkati Allah selalu.. :)
Thank you aunty zeta!
Happy Birthday Rayyan hehe..
happy birthday dear rayyan!
kiss kiss from aunty binx
terima kasih uncle!!!!
thank you so much babes!!
Happy birthday to yr little darling Rayyan.
Moga jadik anak yg soleh di dunia & akhirat. Amin.
Nurul dear
happy besday encem rayyan.
make your parents proud!
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