..RED! In Spanish we say ROJO (pronounced as roho)!
Qistina and Rayyan is currently so into Dora and Diego so much they have become Spaniards. Hahahahaha... Apart from Spanish here and there, Qistina right now speaks the English sounding VERY English (they speak with a little sing-song way); she used to be very American via Mickey Mouse/JoJo's Circus etc, and then Korean via Pororo (from watching them on youtube). How fast kids pick up languages and slangs... :D

Dora and Diego (Dora's cousin)
Anyway, there is one particular cartoon that I myself enjoy watching here - Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom. The English and their jokes, and the way the punch lines are said, even in cartoons, are a joy to hear and watch. The characters Nanny Plum (Holly's nanny) and the Wise Old Elf always have the best lines - so much so that sometimes Papa and I will crack up laughing hehehehehe... There's (obviously) Ben - an Elf (with his family), and Holly - a Fairy princess (and her royal family), who are best of friends in their little kingdom. Every episode is a different story and as most other cartoons nowadays, they always teach the kids something good.
There's also Peppa Pig - an 8minute/episode cartoon, and Qistina loves it. About a family of pink-coloured pigs who likes to snort; and their friends of many animals. The characters are quite cute, and Qistina now have Peppa's lunch bag, boots and some clothes. Rayyan on the other hand, have a mix of everything - Thomas' jacket, Bob's boots and George's (Peppa's brother) hat/gloves/scarf.

Peppa and her family - Mommy Pig, Daddy Pig and little brother George
Bob the Builder
Well, now that Rayyan will be going to nursery school, he will need a lunch bag too. Ben 10 perhaps?
* all images are from Google
Ye Ben 10.. Kalau dekat Malaysia ni samaada Ben 10 or Ultraman, favourite budak² hehehe.
kat sini pun incik pizli...
sabtu ni ada budak kelas Qistina buat birthday party theme ben 10...
i can imagine qis in VERY english slang......:love: :love: :love:
tina, hehehehehe.....
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