It's been a while since this blog gets updated. First of all my hands were kind of tied and I get busy when the kids and their papa is at home during the winter break. Moreover the kids were feeling a little poorly prior to the break so when the school finally closed it was recuperating time. Owh wait, we were away for a while and then time to recuperate. And we had my nephew here. Anyway, this was what that has happened the past 3 weeks :-
1. Christmas Party at Rayyan's nursery
A little get together was organised by the nursery for the kids and the parents to celebrate the holidays. Father Christmas was there to give away gifts to the kids, and Rayyan got a little red control car! Very thoughtful of the nursery. The kids performed some Christmas songs wearing cute little costumes and headgears. Rayyan had Rudolph on his head :D
Rayyan will not be returning to the same nursery, as I am registering him to the nursery adjacent to Qistina's school - more convenient for me so this was like a goodbye party for Rayyan.

2. Qistina's Christmas Play
The Reception classes at Qistina's school organised a little Christmas play for the parents, a few days before the winter break. It's a nativity play about Christmas so there are angels, sheep, shepherd and Christmas stars among others. Qistina was one of the Christmas stars and performed Reach with her friends. I will never forget that day! I was so proud of her I had tears in my eyes hehehehe... Alhamdulillah I captured it on video so whenever I want to re-live that day, I will just watch the video :D

3. The gathering of SARHAL's cucundas
My nephew, or Qistina and Rayyan's cousin came with his mom to the UK on the 16th to experience winter and the snow. Boy we had quite a bit of snow! In fact the weekend before Christmas the whole UK was on a standstill as the weather was really bad - heavy snow! Flights and trains and busses were cancelled, highways were closed, Christmas shopping was halted etc... Anyway, they still enjoyed their stay here and they went to quite a few places.
They gathered back at our place before continuing their journey to Kent and head home. The weather was a blessing to them as they get to spend a bit more time here. We miss you already Abang Ashraff!!
4. Winter break trip to Edinburgh
Read about this here.
5. Sledding!
Abang Ashraff has left the kids with a red coloured sled to play before he departed back to Malaysia. So when the snow stopped, it was a must that we visit the park nearby our house, then covered in snow and has plenty of slopes to go sledding. The kids had so much fun they wanted us to buy a bigger sled! Let the pictures do the talking..
Unfortunately the snow stopped falling after that. No more sledding...
On Christmas morning we went to our favourite place - Stratford Upon Avon and took a picture at the signature riverbank...
That's it for now! See ya later!
miss u so much, seriously!
miss you too babes, so much!
Wah seronoknya.. Hehe..
incik pizli - seronokk!!!!!
seronoknya tengok snow..very white nampak suci jek..
baiti, actually i gayat...
qistina pun first time tu
and then takmo balik pulak hahahahah....
snow memang best, but it was cold! pestu masuk umah lecah abis... so ada yg best, ada yg tak best..
but untouched memang nampak pure and suci gitu...
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