The english autumn days are gorgeous when the sun is shining and the sky is blue, and especially great if it is during the weekends. It can be cold when it is windy but must not waste such beautiful day nonetheless.
Picnic is a favourite passe-temps. Anywhere. At the park, by the fountain, at the playground, at the rest area and even at our backyard.
For the past 7 weekends since we are here, we have been going on picnics almost every weekend. Except for week 1 when we went to pick up our car :)

Fun! Fun! Fun! Yeayyyy!!
u must be really enjoy spending quality time with the kids eh...? i envy u...
kalau back home, everyday by 7/8 pm baru sampai rumah frm work.. by 9 the kids probably dah nak tido.. weekend plak will be the time nak buat house chores... *sigh*
Ja babes
Alhamdulillah currently being given the opportunity to spend time with the kids but believe me, sometimes rasa nak escape jugak, and i do miss working and having a time of my own...
Owh they do drive you up the wall, but apart from that, i am loving it.
Your time will come insyaAllah...
and congrats that Noah has started walking! siap la pas ni... sila cari harness ok?
love the photoss!!
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