Today marks a first for a few things for me. In fact, the past few weeks many things were a first.
For the first time today, my princess flew away from the nest with strangers. Well, not totally strangers strangers, but strangers nevertheless. She went for a school trip with her friends and 'teachers'. Without me. Even just before she boarded the bus she kindly reminded me, "Mama, you are not going to the castle with me ok? I am going with teachers and friends. See you later. Bye!"
Qistina used to be 'cling-wrapper'y and would not go anywhere without me (or her papa). Even when i initially asked her whether she wanted to join the trip, she flatly refused. A different story altogether this morning. A fairy princess she was today, with pink glittery wings and pretty little star wand in hand.

Talking about being sentimental about it..
I am glad that she has found her sense of independence. I am also glad to be able to see her go without tears streaming down her eyes. Or my eyes for that matter.
A first also for Rayyan, to be left alone with me. He gladly waved goodbye to Qistina and said, "See you later Kakak!". Such a good sport Adik. These two are inseparable (without tears that is), but today it is all smiles.
She came back exhausted but entirely happy, and could not stop chatting about it!
On another note, it has been two months since that fateful day and i am loving every second of it. Simply precious and would not do it any other way. Na'aa. Nope. Naheeen.
Hence i should have more time to update this long abandoned blog. Haha..
look good, dearest...
hi anon,
thanks! may i ask who is this?
yay!!! let the blogroll begin!!...sila la hapdet selalu eh, and pics pls...nak tengok whatever you see there also la..heheh..kiranya thru cikdee's eyes..heheh
yeaps baiti, kiranya through my eyes, her eyes, his (junior) eyes and his (senior) eyes!
hope you will enjoy it!
Yes! Keep blogging cik dee...I'm really enjoyed baca yr blog nie. Happy blogging dear.
tq nurul! insyaAllah will keep writing..
auw... such a sweet post..
qis is getting bigger ey.. there will be many firsts to come!
i miss u!
i miss you too babes!
tu lah, she will start proper school next week.
will post about that later :D
muahhss to noah..
Qist such a 'big' girl now!haha
hmm aisyah is stil 'aisyah'.. p school's concert and sports pun dok la tarik tgn mummy
Che Ta
i was quite surprised actually
tapi tu lah
i just go with the flow
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