Sunday 13 August 2006

It's my 1/2 birthday!! I'm half year old now.. can eat already.


Anonymous said...

cik dee, qisty sooo adorable la... muka byk diff dr lps lahir sampai la skrg. envy nengok dimple tuh sehhh

NeroEcha said...

Hai Nad.. i'm Aishah if ingat la..dr MRSB ..sales office mutiara damansara ..get ur blog address from Bel..dah 6 bln anak ekkkbravo berjaya until 6 mths to give her solid son lg sebulan...lama nye rasa..Bel btahu Nad pun fully breastfeed kan Nurin..are u still bf ur baby..if yes that good..My son pun i still fully bf until now hope can bf until 2 yrs.....MY BF BLOG...