"Summer Solstice 21 June 2011 - Northern Hemisphere
21st June 2011 is the day of the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and simultaneously the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Sun reaches its highest - most northerly point in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere and recieves the most hours of daylight. For those in the Southern Hemisphere the Sun will be at its most southerly - lowest position and receive the fewest hours of sunlight.
The Sun reaches its highest point directly over The Tropic of Cancer, 23° 26′ 16″ and there are 24 hours of daylight north of the Arctic Circle (66.5° n), and 24 hours of darkness south of the Antarctic Circle (66.5°s).
In June the Earth is further away from the Sun than its approach during winter, and reaches its apogee (most distant point) from the Sun about July 3rd. Earth reaches is perigee (closest approach) to the Sun around January 4th.
For thousands and thousands of years, people have celebrated, and ancient civalisations constructed complex architecture's."
- taken from here
Summer is literally here!
And 2 nights back it was hot, reminded us of our homeland
Owh I miss the air-conditioners!
But as the famous saying goes, England and it's unpredictable weather!
It was quite chilly again today
Anyway, with the arrival of summer, we get to enjoy these (half price at the supermarkets :D)!

Ooh la la!!
Anak saya Umar tu suka sangat strawberry. Kalau dapat ni mesti dia suka..
Dah jumpa recipe nanti nak mintak wife buat hahaha..
incik pizli
umar ni versatile lah eh?
saya suka!!!
and resepi apakah ituuuu?
nanti tepeks pix yaaa??
recipe strawberry and cream ni la.. eh not exactly a recipe la kut kan? dia just bagitau macamana nak buat je hehehe...
anak² and mak diaorang memang adventurous and versatile dalam bab makanan, saya je yang kampung hahahahaa.. tapi yang ni InsyaAllah saya pun suka kut.. tengoklah nanti.. hehe..
incik pizli
eh resepi dia senang jek
1. fresh strawberries
2. single or double cream
3. letakkan strawberries dalam bekas yg disukai
4. tuang cream
5 SIAAPPPPP!!!!!!!!!
* nota kaki : strawberries sedap dalam keadaan bersuhu bilik TETAPI cream sejuk lagik ngammmmm....
ok hehe.. kena buat esok kut sebab tadi Umar dah nampak gambar atas tu dan buat macam dia makan sambil cakap "hmmm sedapnya.." <-- tak sanggup tengok hehehe..
incik pizli
umar adalah sangat comel
mesti menurun bondanya kan?
i think u can try find the singel/double cream kat supermarket
pasal strawberries tu - well, tgk le mana jual
again, umar adalah sangat comel
ooh kitaorang guna whipped cream tadi sebab senang cari..
incik pizli
so umar dah makan strawberries lah kan?
ok wait, lemme read your last entry...
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