14 October 2008 - adik admitted to AnNur Specialist Hospital due to bronchopneumonia (spell?)..

then kakak paid a visit to adik..

later during visitation day kakak had a high fever (with pestering cough) and the paed decided that kakak should join adik.. (huhuhuhu...)

adik's treatment include chest physiotherapy sessions (oohhh... this was heart wrenching..)

shhhh.... patients sleeping...

mama was a little tensed so she too was given a dose of nebuliser (notice 3 masks there?)

syukur alhamdulillah on 17th October 08 adik was discharged (kakak earlier on 16th October 08)...
oh cikdee....syukur alhamdulillah that adik and kakak finally sudah pulihh...
u were given a dose too?? i know anak sakit, mak pon boleh 'sakit' sama....
oh iya... mama tak cukup tido and penat bagai so telah men'trigger' ke'asthmatic'an (got meh such words hehehe..) dia jugak..
alhamdulillah all is well now...
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